Welcome to The Movie Forum! Please take a moment to read the rules of the forum before posting. The rules are as follows.....
1. Each member may have only one account. Please do NOT create multiple accounts
2. Please treat all forum members with respect and no drama.
3. Do NOT post obscene messages, pictures or links and when posting, use English only. You may put videos in posts, but, only videos from YouTube.
4. Do NOT post personal information. This is for your safety! If you're going to post personal info, please do it in PM ONLY and you do so at your own risk.
5. When posting, please do NOT type in all caps. This is seen as shouting and any post typed using all caps will be removed.
6. Do NOT post spam or flood by posting the same message multiple times. If you accidentally post a message twice, let us know and we will remove the duplicate message.
7. If you need assistance, please send a PM to a moderator.